Policy statement
In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult at the end of their session, we put into practice agreed procedures. These ensure the child is cared for safely by an experienced and qualified practitioner who is known to the child, causing as little distress as possible.
We inform families of our procedures so that, if they are unavoidably delayed, they will be reassured that their children will be properly cared for
- Families of children starting at Jack and Jill Community Preschool are asked to provide specific information which is recorded on our Registration Form including:
- Home address and telephone/mobile numbers – if the parents do not have a telephone, an alternative number must be provided, perhaps a neighbour or close relative
- Place of work, address and telephone number (if applicable)
- Mobile phone number
- Names and addresses, telephone/mobile numbers of two further adults, known to the parents and the child, who have permission to collect the child, such as a childminder, grandparent, or family friend
- Any other person/s with parental responsibility for the child
- Information about any person who does not have legal access to the child.
- On occasions when parents/carers are aware that they will not be reachable on their usual numbers, they inform us in writing of how they can be contacted
- On occasions when parents, or the persons normally authorised to collect the child, are not able to collect the child, they inform the Preschhol who then record the name and telephone number of the person who will be collecting their child. This person must have been identified via check of photo ID before collection. If this is not possible then a password must be agreed by the parent/carer. The child will not be released into the care of another unless they have been identified visually or they can provide the password.
- Parents are informed that if they, or the persons normally authorised to collect the child, are not able to collect their child on time at the end of their session, and before the setting will close at 3.15pm, they must inform us so that we can begin to follow non collection procedures. Families can contact us by calling the mainline (01249 821596), calling, messaging or whatsapp’ing the mobile (07702 497546), or by emailing manager@jackandjillpreschool.org.uk
- In the event that their child is not collected from the setting by an authorised adult by their expected collection time, we begin the following non-collection procedures:
- The child’s file is checked for any information about changes to the normal collection routines.
- If no information is available, parents/carers are contacted immediately.
- If main caregivers cannot be reached, the adults who are authorised by the family – and whose telephone numbers are recorded on the Registration Form – are contacted.
- All reasonable attempts are made to contact the parents or nominated carers.
- The child can only leave the premises with someone named on their Registration form, or noted in their file.
- The child remains at the setting in the care of two members of the Preschool Team, at least one of whom is part of the Management Team, until the child is safely collected either by parents/carer or by a social caseworker.
- If after 30 minutes the child is still not collected and we have not been able to make contact with anyone from the child’s Registration Form or file, we apply the procedures for uncollected children
- If we have any cause to believe the child has been abandoned, we contact the local authority children’s social care team:
- 0300 456 0108 – Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
- Or the out of hours duty officer (where applicable):
- 0300 456 0100 – Out of hours Emergency Duty Service
- If the children’s social care team is unavailable, we will contact the local police.
- We ensure the child is not anxious and we do not discuss our concerns in front of them,
- A full written report of the incident is recorded in the child’s file
- Ofsted will be informed
Attempted collection by an incapacitated adult
Incapacitated refers to a condition which renders a person unable to take responsibility for a child.
Concerns may include:
- Appearing drunk
- Appearing under the influence of drugs
- Demonstrating angry and threatening behaviour to a child, Preschool team member, or anyone else
- Appearing erratic, manic, or ‘spaced out’
- If a team member is concerned that a parent or carer displays any of the above characteristics, they inform a member of the Management Team as soon as possible
- The Management Team member assesses the risk and decides if further intervention is required
- If it is decided that no further action is required, the incident is recorded on an Incident Form
- If intervention is required, the designated person speaks to the adult in question in an appropriate, confidential manner
- The designated person will, in agreement with the parent/carer, use the emergency contacts listed on the child’s Registration Form to ask an alternative adult to collect the child
- The emergency contact is informed of the situation by the designated person, as well as of the setting’s requirement to inform social care of their contact details
- If there is no-one suitable to collect the child, social care are informed as per the above details
- If violence is threatened towards anybody, the police are called immediately – a child will not be released into an adults care if they are deemed unsafe at the time
- If the collecting incapacitated adult attempts, or succeeds in taking the child from the setting, the police are called immediately and a referral is made to social care.
- A full written report of the incident is recorded in the child’s file
- Further updates/notes/conversations/telephone calls are recorded
Depending on circumstances, parents/carers arriving after the end of a child’s allocated session, or the closing time of 3.15pm, will be charged additional staff hours.
I have read and understood this policy and will adhere to it as part of my daily practice
Name | Signature | Date |
Marlis Juerging-Coles | ||
Liz Wilkins | ||
Lou Barlow | ||
Josh Bosley | ||
Nicky Taylor | ||
Laura Slater |
Reviewed on:
Manager signature:
Trustee team signature: