Policy statement
While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to the setting, we will agree to administer medication as part of maintaining their health and well-being, or when they are recovering from illness.
In many cases, it is possible for the child’s GP to prescribe medicine that can be taken at home in the morning and evening. As far as possible, administering medicines will only be done where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if not given in the setting. If a child has not had a medication before, especially children at 2 years of age, it is advised that families keep the child at home for the first 48 hours to ensure no adverse effect as well as to give time for the medication to take effect.
Jack and Jill Community Preschool team members can give prescribed medication to children only if permission has been sought from an adult with parental responsibility.
A child’s keyperson or, in their absence, the buddy, is responsible for the correct administration of the medication of their key-children. This includes that a Medication Form has been completed, that medicines are stored correctly, and that records are kept according to our procedures.
If a Preschool team member requires medication, this must be stored in the same way as the children’s medication. Team members can take their medication whilst at work if it is safe to do so, and staff medication is taken at their own risk.
If a member of the Preschool team has a prescribed emergency medication (such as an inhaler or an epi-pen), they are required to fill out a Medication Form so that in case of an emergency medication can be given to them by another team member
- Jack and Jill Community Preschool will not administer any non-prescription medication. The only exception to this is topical emollient cream
- Children taking prescribed medication must be well enough to attend the setting
- Prescribed medication is only administered to the person named on the medication prescription label and only at the dosage stated
- Children’s prescribed medication is stored in their original containers, is clearly labelled and is inaccessible to the children
- Adults with parental responsibility give prior written consent for the administration of medication. The Preschool member receiving the medication must ask the parent or carer to sign a Medication Form stating the following information:
- Full name of child
- Child’s date of birth
- Name of medication, strength, and expiry date
- Dosage to be given in the setting
- How the medication should be stored
- Any possible side effects that may be expected should be noted
- Signature, printed name of adult with parental responsibility, and date
No medication may be given without these details being provided
- The administration is recorded accurately each time it is given and is signed by staff. It is important to note that staff working with children are not legally obliged to administer medication. Parents sign the record sheet to acknowledge the administration of a medicine. The medication record form records:
- Name of child
- Name and strength of medication
- Date and time of dose
- Dose given and method
- Signed by keyperson/buddy who has administered the medicine
- Signed by another staff member who verified the medication details and witnessed the administration
- Signed by collecting adult at the end of the day
- We will accept written permission once for a whole course of medication, or for the ongoing use of a particular medication under the following circumstances:
- Written permission is only acceptable for that particular medication and cannot be used for similar types of medicine, e.g. if the course of antibiotics changes , a new form will need to be completed
- The dosage on the written permission is the only dosage that will be administered. We will not give a different dose unless a new form is completed
- Those with guardianship must notify us immediately if the child’s circumstances change, e.g. a dose has been given at home, or a change in strength/dose needs to be given
- Jack and Jill Community Preschool will not administer a dosage that exceeds the recommended dose on the instructions unless accompanied by written instructions from a relevant health Professional, such as a letter from a doctor or dentist
- If the child refuses to take the prescribed medication then parents/carers will be called so they can arrange to either visit the setting and administer the medication themselves or for the child to be collected
Storage of medicines
- All medication for children must have the child’s name clearly written on the original container and be stored safely in a locked cupboard or refrigerated. Where the cupboard or fridge is not solely used for storing medicines, they are kept in a marked plastic box. This is out of reach of all children
- Any emergency medication (such as an inhaler or an epi-pen) is kept in clear individual containers, clearly labelled with the person’s name, on top of the cupboard out of reach of all children but easily accessible for practitioners in case of an emergency
- If labels re not legible or have been tempered with, they will not be accepted into the setting
- All prescribed medication should have the pharmacist’s details and notes attached to show the dosage and date the prescription was issued. This will be checked, along with the expiry dates, before staff can administer any medication
- It is the responsibility of collecting adults to ensure medicine is collected at the end of the day to take home
- For some conditions, medication may be kept in the setting, e.g. epi-pens, inhalers, or emollients. The Health and Safety Officer checks that any medication held onsite to administer is in date and returns any out-of-date medication back to the child’s family
- If administration of prescribed medication requires medical knowledge, individual training above and beyond paediatric first aid is provided for the Preschool Team by a health professional
- No child may self-administer. Where children are capable of understanding when they need medication, for example with diabetes or asthma, they should be encouraged to tell their keyperson or buddy what they need. However, this does not replace staff vigilance in knowing and responding when a child requires medication
Staff medication
At Jack and Jill Preschool we know that our Preschool Team is our most valuable resource. As such, all team members have a responsibility to only work with children when they are fit to do so. Staff must not work with children if they are infectious or too unwell to meet children’s needs (physically or emotionally). This includes circumstances where any medication effects them, for example where it makes a person drowsy.
If a team member believes that their condition, including caused by taking medication, is affecting their ability to be available for the children in their care they must inform a member of the Management Team immediately and seek medical advice. The Management Team will then decide if a member of staff is fit to work, including circumstances where other team members notice changes in behaviour suggesting a person may be under the influence of medication or struggling with their health. The decision will include any medical advice obtained by the individual or from an occupational health assessment.
Where team members may occasionally or regularly need non-emergency medication, any such medication must be stored securely in their locker, out of reach of children.
If they have been prescribed emergency medication (such as an inhaler or an epi-pen), the same procedure as for children’s emergency medication should be followed and a Medication Form must be completed to enable other team members to administer medication in case of an emergency where the adult is not able to do so themselves.
I have read and understood this policy and will adhere to it as part of my daily practice
Name | Signature | Date |
Marlis Juerging-Coles | ||
Liz Wilkins | ||
Lou Barlow | ||
Josh Bosley | ||
Nicky Taylor | ||
Laura Slater |
Reviewed on:
Manager signature:
Trustee team signature: