Policy statement
The safety of the children in our care is paramount and we will take every precaution to ensure children are kept safe both on and off the premises by
– Having high fences and double-sided locks on lower gates so children cannot exit the building or premises alone
– Our premises sit on school grounds which are further enclosed by a high fence with an electric gate, offering an additional layer of security
– Premises are checked daily before the garden opens to ensure the premises are still safe
– Children will only be allowed to go home with adults who have been authorised by legal guardians in advance
– Registers will be taken thrice daily and children are signed in and out at the beginning and end of their sessions respectively
– A separate register, form and risk assessment will be completed for trips
Child going missing on the premisses
If a child goes missing from Jack and Jill Community Preschool, the whole Preschool Team must be aware of the following procedures and what to do in such an event:
- In the event of a lost child, all Preschool Team members will be informed, and any available staff members will aid the search for the child
- A member of the management team will inform St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School to ensure joined entrance gates remain shut whilst the search is conducted
- The search will begin in the setting grounds and, if the child is not located, will extend to the surrounding area
- If the child is not found during the first search, then the police and child’s legal guardians, and a member of the trustee team must be contacted
- A second search will need to take place and the guidance of the police followed
- A team members left in charge of the other children will continue the day as normal. This helps to protect the children as they will be unaware of what is going on
- After a second search all relevant parties will meet to discuss what to do next
- Then the Management Lead will await further instructions from the police
- If the child is not found within the setting, then the Preschool will follow the local authority and police procedures
- Any incident must be recorded containing the relevant information around what happened, which child was lost, when their absence was first noticed, when the police were contacted, and how the child got out
Child going missing on an outing
If a child goes missing from a small group outing where some members of staff and/or members of the Management Team have stayed at the setting, the whole Preschool Team must be aware of the following procedures and what to do in such an event.
Please note, whole-setting outings are usually attended by family members, and they are responsible for their own children during these outings.
- As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing, Preschool Team members on the outing ask all children to stand with their designated adult and carry out a headcount to ensure that no other children have gone astray. One staff member searches the immediate vicinity, but does not search beyond that
- A member of the Management Team is contacted immediately (if not on the outing) and the incident is recorded
- In an indoor venue, the staff contact the venue’s security who will handle the search and contact the police if the child is not found
- The Management Team member contacts the police, the legal guardian of the child, and a member of the trustee team
- Once the police has arrived at the venue, the outing staff team take the remaining children back to the setting
The investigation
- A member of the trustee team comes to the setting immediately to carry out an investigation with the Management Team (where appropriate)
- The Preschool Team remains calm and do not let the children in their care become anxious or worried
- A member of the Management Team and the child’s keyperson speak with the family of the missing child. In the event of the keyperson not being onsite, two Management Team members should be present for this conversation
- A member of the trustee team carries out a full investigation, taken written statements from all Preschool Team members at the setting, or who were on the outing
- Each member of staff (either in the setting or who attended the outing) writes an incident report detailing:
- The date and time of the report
- Which team members/children were in the setting/on the outing and the name of the team member designated responsible for the missing child
- When and where the child was last seen in the setting/on the outing
- What has taken place in setting/on the outing since the child went missing
- The time it is estimated that the child went missing
- A conclusion is drawn as to how the breach of security happened
- If the incident warrants a police investigation, all team members co-operate fully. In this case, the police will handle all aspects of the investigation, including interviewing Preschool Team members. Children’s social care may be involved if it seems likely that there is a child protection issue to address
- The incident is reported under RIDDOR arrangements (see the Reporting Accidents and Incidents Policy). The local authority Health and Safety Officer may want to investigate and will decide if there is a case for prosecution
- In the event of disciplinary actions needing to be taken, Ofsted is informed
- The insurance provider is informed
Managing people and emotions
Missing child incidents are extremely distressing for all concerned. Part of managing such an incident must therefore be to focus on everyone’s mental health and ensure the many emotions felt, no matter how deeply, do not become damaging or dangerous for anyone involved.
To aid this difficult process, we acknowledge that the following applies:
- The Preschool Team will feel extremely worried about the missing child. Whilst we will have a whole host of emotions running through us, it is important to remain as calm as possible outwardly and, wherever possible, prioritise the emotional and physical well-being of the children still in our care. The remaining children will be sensitive to what’s going on around them. They, too, may be worried. The Preschool Team members not involved in the immediate search will need to be focussed on the children’s needs and must not discuss the incident within children’s earshot. They should ask children’s questions honestly whilst also reassuring them.
- The keyperson and/or designated member of the team who was responsible for the safety of the child on this outing will feel especially anxious. They may blame themselves, and their feelings of anxiety and distress will rise as the length of time the child is missing increases
- Preschool Team members may be the understandable target of parental anger and they may feel afraid. The Management Team will ensure that team members under investigation are not only treated fairly but also receive support whilst feeling vulnerable
- The child’s family will feel helpless, angry and fraught, amongst other things. They may want to blame the Preschool Team and/or may single out one team member over others. When dealing with a distraught and angry family member, there should always be two team members present, at least one of whom should be part of the Management Team. No matter how deeply emotions can run in such a terrible situation and how understandable feelings of anger are, aggression or threats against staff are never tolerated and incidents of such nature will be reported to the police
- In accordance with the severity of the final outcome, Preschool Team members may need counselling and emotional support. The chair of trustees will use their discretion to decide how best to navigate this difficult time
- Team members must not discuss any missing child incident with the press without taking advice
I have read and understood this policy and will adhere to it as part of my daily practice
Name | Signature | Date |
Marlis Juerging-Coles | ||
Liz Wilkins | ||
Lou Barlow | ||
Josh Bosley | ||
Nicky Taylor | ||
Laura Slater |
Reviewed on:
Manager signature:
Trustee team signature: