Visitor Policy

Policy statement

Before entering the premises, each visitor is asked to consider and answer the following statements so we can record the expertise, understanding and mindset of whoever crosses our threshold:

‘I know that play IS learning and even though I may not understand what I am seeing, I am open-minded to embrace the Preschool’s pursuit of play with all its autonomy, creativity and limitless possibility.’

Yes                                                                              No

‘I am an expert in play and early childhood and bring a wealth of experience with me.
I have a deep understanding that children need choice and frequent outdoor opportunities to move, explore and discover.’

Yes                                                                              No

‘I know that children’s value lies way beyond their academic ability.
I fully understand that when I see children playing this is something powerful and mighty.
I understand that the knowledge of joy is the first knowledge. I come as someone who is able to see that emotional connection is superior to just knowing that a house can be semi-detached.’

Yes                                                                              No

‘I know that children and the adults taking care of them need to be liberated from closed ideas which limit their ability to feed their natural curiosity and love of learning.
I am willing to let go of my own prejudices about what I think learning is or should look like, and am keen and excited to immerse in things that I may not understand so that I eventually do understand them and leave having learned from the setting.’

Yes                                                                              No

‘I will not allow my own misunderstandings and pre-formed opinions to disconnect me from what I am seeing, and I agree that the Preschool Team are the experts in their pedagogy and deep knowledge of their children.
I am here to learn.’

Yes                                                                              No

The Magic Mirror

Tick each one that you believe childhood deserves:

1. Choice-autonomy & liberation
2. Creativity  – which comes from the child
3. Collaboration
4. Communication – chat
5. Curiosity – awe & wonder
6. Core-movement & autonomy over their body
7. Confidence
8. Connection – joy and emotions
9. Continuation – progress
10. Commitment – from the adults (including you)

Thank you for reading our visitor policy.
If you answered YES to its questions, and if you scored highly on the Magic Mirror, then you, like us, are an advocate of choice, liberation and play – welcome.
We can’t wait to share our joy with you.

This policy has been written for Jack and Jill Community Preschool to ensure the mental, physical, and emotional safety and security of the children and Preschool Team when visitors are on the premises.

All visitors must prove their identity before gaining access to the building. They will need to sign in on our visitor badges, which they will have to wear during their visit, indicating who they are.

Visitors may be a variety of different people that come into the setting with various purposes, and they will always be supervised, regardless of who they are. For this reason, we consult the diary wherever possible before booking in any visits to ensure we have enough team members onsite for one adult to be available to escort the visitor.

Every visitor is informed of our relevant policies and procedures hen they arrive, such as fire safety and mobile phone. Their mobile devices will need to be stored in the office as indicated in the Mobile Phone Policy.


  • When a visitor arrives the Preschool Team member at the door will ask for proof of their identity
  • The Team Member will ensure that the door is locked after the visitor has been let in and out of the building.
  • The visitor will sign in on the visitor badge, read relevant policies and procedures, and answer the questions and the magic mirror as stated above
  • The Team Member greeting the visitor will ensure they are aware of the fire escapes and what to do in the event of a fire
  • The visitor will be lead to the office first to deposit their mobile phone and other personal belongings
  • The visitor will be escorted by a member of the Preschool Team during their visit and will never be left unsupervised or left alone with any of the children
  • Visitors must not disturb important playwork. If they have questions about what they are seeing, they should consult the member of staff who is accompanying them first in order not to interrupt our children
  • Visitors are asked to give priority to and not interrupt child to child or child to adult interactions. Should a child ask a question or invite an adult into their play, this must always take precedence over any adult visitor’s questions at that given time
  • The setting will not tolerate any unkind or hurtful behaviour towards either our children or our Preschool Team. If such behaviour does occur, the police may be called
  • When it is time for the visitor to leave, they will be accompanied to collect their personal belongings and/or mobile phones. In the foyer they will be asked to sign out and hand back their visitor badge before being let out by a member of the Preschool Team.

I have read and understood this policy and will adhere to it as part of my daily practice

Marlis Juerging-Coles  
Liz Wilkins  
Lou Barlow  
Josh Bosley  
Nicky Taylor  
Laura Slater  

Reviewed on:

Manager signature:

Trustee team signature: